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Is Doggy Daycare Right for Your Pet?

Tags: doggy daycare
Many dog owners are working professionals and spend a lot of time away from home. They also typically don’t like the idea of them being home alone all day. Well, the good news is, Paws & Claws offers Doggy Daycare in Battle Creek!
First, you need to think about how often you are away from home. While there are some dogs who seem perfectly content to be home alone all day, there are many that experience anxiety and feel loneliness (much like humans)!
Next, doggy daycare in Battle Creek is most well-suited for dogs that are social and okay with the presence of other dogs. With that being said, if your dog prefers human interaction over socializing with other canines, they can be accommodated. If you have any qualms or reservations about taking your dog to doggy daycare because of their personality, do not hesitate to reach out to us so we can have a conversation.
Lastly, you should consider the age of your dog. If you have a puppy, it’s an excellent idea to use doggy daycare. Instead of being cooped up at home they are able to play and let out that puppy energy. Also, it’s an excellent way for them to socialize with other dogs which, like in children, is very important to their wellbeing.
At Paws & Claws Finishing Touch doggy daycare in Battle Creek, we are proud to offer a space for you dog that is fun, clean, and safe! If you’re worried about your dog being left home alone all day, do not hesitate to contact us to see how we can help. We look forward to treating your dog like they’re our own.